Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I AM NOT AFRAID (from the collection Graceland, my graceland).


Even though foggy images
Blur my eyes
And tomorrowland seems uncertain
Even though a mighty wall of limitation
Is blocking my road to a brighter future
I am not afraid.

With dusty foot
I have labored under scorching sun
With ragged clothes
I have toiled under heavy rain
I’ve shed tears, my sweats and my blood
I’ve had moment of gain
And I’ve also known enough pain.
I am not afraid…
I’ve seen the mountain’s peak
I’ve seen the valley low
I’ve risen
I’ve fallen
I am like a man
Who has reached the bottom of the ladder
I fear no fall
I have fallen too much to fear falling again
I’ve known too much pain
I’ve enjoyed too little gain
But I am not afraid.

Even though foggy images blur my eyes
Even though mighty walls of limitation
Stands in my road
I am not afraid
I am
Not afraid
I can reach the paradise of my heart
I can see my graceland
I can see my dream world;
My graceland
It is far
But it is near
It is within
It is inside
Inside my heart
I am
Not afraid.

1 comment:

  1. In some things, there are child-like answers, mature answers, then wise answers. At first we think of courage as not being afraid. As we get older, we start to say that courage is action despite fear, but I feel somehow that there is a wise answer beyond this. To have no fear, perhaps, is not always foolish or naive, but to know, down to the core of your being, that there is absolutely nothing to fear.
    Perhaps courage is recognising when your fear serves no purpose.
    (Mokalus of Blog)
